Transformative 10x Strategies to Excel in your Business without Exhaustion!

Unlock your Business Potential

join me on national women's enterprise day to

Because there is an easier way!

We all know hard work is important, but it’s not the whole story. Imagine achieving better results without feeling like you have become a slave to your business. Tried and tested strategies that spell out exactly how to up your game without clocking in extra hours. Join me to discover the 10x principles that have transformed my business and will transform yours too.

What if you could spend a half-day diving into exactly what tweaks can supercharge your business?

"I'm constantly hustling, yet I can't seem to break through to the next level. It's disheartening to not see the payoff I expected for all my dedication and time."

ever felt like this?

"I have big dreams and ambitions for my business, but some days I just can't find the motivation to take action. It's confusing and makes me question if I'm really cut out for this."

"I put in so many hours and give it my all, but why aren't the results reflecting my effort? It's frustrating to feel like I'm stuck in the same place despite working so hard."

Through much trial and error, I've honed a collection of game-changing 10x approaches that have transformed how I approach everything in my business.

One I personally understand all too well. As a fellow business owner (and an admittedly willing workaholic)
I've dealt with my fair share of frustration and confusion at why my results didn't seem to match the effort I was putting in.  Many a sleepless night was had trying to work out what I was doing wrong AND why, despite my motivation to succeed I frequently felt demotivated and like I just didn't want to do anything!

 Over the past eight years, I've experimented with countless strategies (for me and my clients) to uncover what we have to do to achieve business results that not just match the effort we put in but also enable a way of working that feels easy and aligned so that procrastination becomes a thing of the past! 

I'm thrilled to invite you on this journey

True Story

In simple terms, it's about multiplying your results—achieving ten times more than you originally thought possible but without having to work ten-times harder.

Now, you might be wondering what does "10x" actually mean?

Sceptical?  I was too!  But you're going to have to trust me because it works.

unlock your business potential with dee hutchinson

There's nothing like being around amazing business-women driven to achieve results.  Leave feeling inspired & supported.

with women who want the same things

You will start applying the strategies from the moment the workshop starts.  Get ready for a high-energy interactive session.

no theory, no fluff, just results

Want no-nonsense advice from an award-winning business coach who pulls no punches?   Dee has an impressive track-record.

award-winning business coaching

Not sure what you're doing wrong?  Not anymore!  Discover tools you can use over and over again to troubleshoot your business.

clarity on what you need to change

You will not just get all my strategies but you will apply them immediately to your business during the workshop.

strategies that work straight away

This will be a 3-hour workshop from 2pm to 5pm on October 17th, National Women's Enterprise Day, at the Majestic Hotel in Tramore.

half day workshop in tramore

These tools and approaches have sparked the most significant transformation in my business since its inception. They represent a giant leap in how I approach my business and tackle challenges effectively. 

I am going to share all my 10x strategies with you!

Join me

Standard Price: €150 
Payment Plan: Two payments of €85


kathryn m.

 She has helped me so much and I recommend anyone out there who would love to start a business but not sure where to start or may not even have an idea yet to join her community. She's not one of those entrepreneurs who sits behind a team of people who send out generic responses. She's the face of her business and interacts personally with everyone. She truly cares and will do all she can to support you.

I cannot recommend this woman highly enough!!!!

nichole l.

launch my Christmas Campaign which is expected to generate an additional $75k (updated since to $300k generated so far for 2023)!!! Dee is an outstanding coach who really cares about getting results and takes a personal interest in both me and my business. 

Five months in I have $44k cash in the bank, $90k secured for 2023 and I am just about to

donna h.

Go girl .... Master Coach! My business got off the ground because of this lady. If you are looking for someone who is more passionate about your success than you are, someone who will not allow you to play small, someone who get's down in the trenches with you. Then look no further #star #awardwinning.

She is the only Business Coach I want to work with .... EVER!



Reserve Your Place Today

let's do this

Standard Price



payment plan

Payment Plan

Say yes to a little 10x!

go on, make it easier on yourself!

My business journey has been made so much more enjoyable because of the people I have learned from along the way.  I literally make it my business to pass on the best lessons I have learned.

You don't have to do this all by yourself.